Specialists in Board

Performance Reviews

We Review. You Improve.

Specialists in Board Performance Reviews

We Review. You Improve

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Specialists in Board Performance Reviews

We Review. You Improve


Why Choose Bvalco?

Bvalco Board Performance Reviews are different. We understand the delicate balance between the informal dynamics within boardrooms and the formalities of corporate governance. Our unique expertise lies at the intersection of these realms, enabling us to help our clients to optimise both. At the heart of our approach is a forward-looking mindset, asking: What can boards do better or differently to maximise their value to the business?


Our clients consistently commend us for striking the balance between being engaging and straight-talking and for focussing on a small number of impactful recommendations. They confirm that our reviews have a positive and tangible impact on board effectiveness.

"An excellent review. Impactful, productive and a really positive learning exercise. It exceeded our best expectations."

James Ramsbotham


Newcastle Building Society

"We enjoyed working with Bvalco. Alison has an ability to build trust while remaining independent and objective resulting in an outcome offering some clear and practicable recommendations which we are intent on implementing. I would highly recommend Bvalco.'"

James Thomson



"Bvalco’s conduct of this review was very reassuring. Alison’s interviews were constructive and probing and the outcomes of the review insightful both in terms of how the Board operates in fulfilling its strategic objectives and understanding the relevance of behavioural aspects to optimise performance. Overall, it was an extremely positive experience."

Patrick Meier


Ecora Resources

“I enjoyed working with Bvalco on this review. Alison has an engaging style focusing on the important issues and handling them professionally and thoroughly”

Helen Weir

Senior Independent Director


Our Board Performance Reviews Are Different

Our approach to Board Performance Reviews is to recognise that there’s no point looking back over what you’ve done, when it’s how well you’re going to do in future that really matters.

This requires recognising that the board isn’t just governed by the formal roles, processes and strategies in place, but is also a social entity whose decisions are as much influenced by the informal culture, values and beliefs at play.

Insights - What We're Thinking

A person is pressing a button with a bag of money on it.
By Peter Snowdon 07 Aug, 2024
Peter Snowdon explores how the 2024 UK Corporate Governance Code's malus and clawback provisions strengthen corporate accountability and align executive remuneration with long-term performance.
A man in a blue shirt and tie is holding a risk gauge in his hand.
31 Jul, 2024
In the second article of the "Risk, Dissent and Decision-making" series, members of The Board Effectiveness Guild explore how boards can effectively address risk and the behaviors that inhibit meaningful discussions. They discuss ways to increase constructive challenge within board conversations, emphasizing the need for genuine challenge to support board diversity.
A man in a suit is holding a cell phone and pointing at a resume.
By Peter Snowdon 26 Jul, 2024
Peter Snowdon explores how Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) ensure robust corporate governance and drive long-term success through informed decision-making and proactive engagement.
02 Jul, 2024
Alex Edmans, author of May Contain Lies in conversation with Alison Gill considers – ‘what is confirmation bias and why does it matter to boards and, how can you ensure you and your board don’t fall into this thinking trap’.

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